Friday, June 11, 2010

Kyle & Rebecca

more to come later...

Thursday, June 3, 2010

blake :: chef extraordinaire

some of the most fun portraits i've taken in my brief and uneventful photographic career.

Friday, March 12, 2010

to whom do you belong?

You belong to Jesus, therefore obey Him. Let His word be your law, let His wish be your will. Since you belong to the Beloved, love Him. Let your heart embrace Him; let your whole soul be filled with Him. Because you belong to the Son of God, trust Him. Do not rest anywhere but in Him. You belong to the King of Kings, so be decided for Him. Do not waver in your loyalty. Although you are not branded outwardly, live your life so that all will know to whom you belong.

-Charles Spurgeon

funny how the Lord always knows the encouragement i need. without fail.