Thursday, June 11, 2009

"just pray about it"

about two weeks ago, two mormon boys came to my house. their names are matthew and taylor. we chatted about the trinity and christ's eternality, and i invited them back for an "interfaith discussion". and well, it was interesting. for all those who may be interested in watching a video on joseph smith's early life, please let me know, because they let us keep the dvd. basically, these mormon boys know nothing and couldn't answer any of my questions. they contradicted themselves multiple times, took verses from the bible out of context (which was expected). a few minutes after they showed us the video they decided that they were taking up too much of our time and so they left.
also, fun fact: mormon missionaries cannot go swimming, for safety purposes. but daniel, the non-elder who decided to tag along, was more than willing to float the river with us!


Thaddeus said...

Mormon missionaries are not well trained to handle all types of religious arguments. They are 19-21 year old boys, some with more learning than others.

They are not sent out to convince people with sophisticated logical models and years of published research. They teach the simple truths of the gospel and rely on the Holy Spirit to confirm their words.

If your conversation with them left you wanting more, please come bring up your questions at my websiteWhat Do Mormons Believe?

erinwegner said...

well maybe they should figure out what they believe before they run around trying to convert people.

Thaddeus said...

I really like your art, especially your narrative series pieces. Where do you get your ideas?

Brian Aebi said...
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